Monday, December 7, 2009

This is the title page that I made for the book

This is the map of the layout of the book

Dairy Entry Day 8

I had a really long read today got to the end of the book but it is a really cool book, that is a really enteresting part of the book I got really hooked into this book especially when he is going to get the survival kit it is a relly tense part of the book, if there was something that could happen next, I would say because of the hatchet winter book, that he wouldnt kope that well in the conditions, and all of the natural food would die off and he would have to be really careful with what he eats.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Diary Entry Day 7

It is a really good part of the book getting into how he is going to survive, He's getting some wood for an spear and after he gets that he finds a part were the fish like to stay and now he nows how to get them aim just below them, I think next because he has a fire he is going to try and stock up on the wood.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dairy Entry Day 6

I think the book has a really good structure it flows really well, It is quiet a tense part of the book because he thinks that the rescuers will be there really quick, after the tornado I think that sort of suck but I think what will happen next because he can see the plane and there will be food in there or other stuff so he will try get into there.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Diary Entry Day Five

He had found some berries and had had some food to eat it is a good part of the book really descriptive and i flows through well, I think that he will get his shelter done and he might find something that he can cook so he can have cooked food

Diary Entry Day Four

He's really thinking about what he needs now like shelter this part of the book isnt the best but it puts you in the sittuation and that is really good.